A Guide with:
- Verses to Read
- Traditional Songs to Sing and Learn
- Activities to Do
That Will Help Point Your Children To Jesus
I wrote this guide with the intention of providing families with ideas to make their holidays more meaningful. The idea is, starting on December 1st, to read the verses, sing the song, and do the activity for that day, doing this every day all the way through to December 25th. While it is up to you to make sure these activities are appropriate for your family, I have included daily Bible reading, a daily traditional Christmas carol, and a daily activity meant to teach Scripture, familiarize the next generation with the rich heritage of more traditional music, and create memories and meaningful conversations through crafts, creativity, and acts of service.
The Scripture verses are all in the English Standard Version (ESV). If you prefer a different version, feel free to look up the verses in the translation of your choice! They were all chosen to tell a story over the next 25 days of God carefully planned the delivery of His Son into the world.
New! Here are all the Scriptures on one page! Use it by itself or with the songs and activities!
The Songs chosen are all traditional Christmas songs. There are so many wonderful Contemporary Christmas songs, but I wanted to teach my kids the “songs of old”, too. I think their being familiar with the past is important. So, if you would like that for your kids as well, then I believe this is a good list to work through. Of course, there are familiar songs in the mix, like Silent Night and Away in the Manger. It is always fun to sing songs you already know well. But unless you are very familiar with traditional Christmas music and your children already have a broad repertoire, I think you will find some that will be new or maybe some verses of familiar songs you haven’t sung before. But, of course, feel free to choose other songs if you don’t want to sing the traditional ones, or choose different traditional songs. For any of the songs you don’t know or can’t remember the tune, all of these songs are available many times over on Youtube, usually in videos that are easy to sing along to.
The Activities were carefully chosen to try to go along with the Bible verses of the days, but of course, are optional as well. If you come up with something you think is a better activity for your family, then go for it! My suggestions include a few service-oriented activities, and several crafts meant to decorate your home in preparation for Christmas, including a Nativity village. Some days, there might be activities that have several options, other days may be simpler and more straightforward, but all of the items in this guide are meant to inspire you to lead your family to focus on Jesus, the Reason for the Season.
New! Here is the Supplies List for the 25 Days of Christmas series!
Do you have to be homeschoolers to do these activities? No, absolutely not. This is for all families, big or small, with small children, big children, and all the ages in between!
Come back to this page every day to follow the link for the current day. On to December 1st!
Any links not working for you? Email me at melinda@pileofpates.com!