Some days it’s easy to be all sunshine and roses. And other days, it’s easier to think that life stinks and that complaining is okay. And I need to check my attitude. Because I am blessed way beyond what I deserve.
I was watching a Youtube video today, and something the person in the video said just kind of struck a chord with me today:
“Reject pessimism. Choose to be grateful.”
Not that I haven’t heard that many, many times before. But it was just one of those “right moment” kind of things. And I thought to myself, “I really need to remember that.”
So, I decided to make a printable poster to hang on my fridge. It’s an 8 1/2″ by 11″ PDF. The background is a picture I took of my almond tree blooming. And I put Psalm 118:24 on there.
I wanted to share it here with anyone else who might need a little reminder, too!
Thanks so much for reading!
Download your Choose Gratitude printable here!